Collaboration through Facilitation
- Do you want to enable people to connect with one another?
- Help great ideas get discovered and implemented?
- Ensure that strategies don't remain on paper but have real impact?
You’ve come to the right place.
We believe people can connect and solve their problems – with a little bit of help.
That help is called facilitation.

What Does Facilitation Mean?
Every meeting is driven by content and process.
A facilitator ensures that the process serves the meeting’s purpose.
A facilitator structures a meeting into distinct stages and uses effective methods to keep everyone on the same page.

Why get facilitation training?
Develop your people's ability to collaborate across teams and organisations
Do you lead meetings or workshops face-to-face or virtually?
Do you want to get better at leading effectively?
In facilitation training you will learn effective group tools, processes and practical tips to increase group engagement and commitment.
You will learn how to create commitment to goals, develop innovative solutions and plan action to reach goals.
The world needs people like you:
- People who can create conditions for effective collaboration.
- People who bring us together and help us combine our talents.

Why hire a professional facilitator?
Participate fully in the content while a neutral outsider facilitates the process
Whether you are doing strategy work, product innovation, team development or change management, focus and engagement are necessary to succeed.
We help you create conditions where people can collaborate naturally and effectively. By fostering trust throughout the workshop we help groups tackle even the most challenging topics.
We help you clarify the core purpose of the workshop and guide the group along the journey. We make participation enjoyable but keep the goals front and center.
- Let a pro take care of the process and enjoy the results.
We are your go-to partner when:
- you want buy-in from your team, peers, or leaders
- you want to see the combined talent of your people
- you want guaranteed results from your workshops
Get a free consultation with no strings attached.
Drop us a line and we will set up a discovery meeting with you.
”I have participated in Bettina’s facilitating virtual interaction training twice. Once as a client from nonprofit organisation and second time as trainee myself from a consultancy company. Therefore, I can state that Bettina can consistently create an interactive training which engages trainees and provides an experience which are educational and fulfilling.
Bettina is an excellent presenter who engages audience and handles many presentation tools professionally. She is a very positive and reliable professional.”
Aku von Bell, Insight Manager
How to get started
1. Discovery Call
We schedule a call to understand your need better.
2. Offer
You receive a clear description of a solution to your need.
3. Planning meeting
We schedule a planning meeting to ensure good results in your workshop, training, or event.
4. Delivery
We facilitate the requested event professionally and document the outcomes.
5. Review
In a retrospective call we recap the outcomes and learnings of the event, supporting future success.
May we serve?
We are a group of passionate and dedicated facilitator-trainers, experts in developing teams and organisations. Get in touch – we are here to serve!
Contact information
Grape People Finland Oy
VAT ID: FI21586522
Grape People
Keskuskatu 4
00100 Helsinki
Grape People is a training and consulting company specialised in facilitation.
We develop organisations and teams
via facilitated workshops
and facilitation training.
We are experts in planning and leading
results-oriented group processes.
A free teaser about facilitation
We made a 10-minute interactive mini-course about facilitation. Check it out!
Click the ”Play” button to start. You can advance to the next section of the course using the arrow icon on the lower-right of the screen. You can open the course content using the menu icon located on the top-left corner next to the title, ”Grape People – Facilitation.”
Browsing on mobile? Open this link to play the course full screen.
Course content: Facilitating change
How do we transition from resisting change to agreeing with others on what should happen next?
Anna and her team are facing big changes that will affect how they operate. See how Anna uses facilitation to get the whole team to commit to the upcoming changes and find the best ways to move forward together. Anna uses force field analysis as a facilitation method.
The workshop is structured around the three core issues of facilitation:
- Objective: A clear objective that is communicated to participants
- Process: Clarification – Solutions – Actions
- Methods: Appropriate group tools and methods for each stage of the change process
Learn to facilitate like a pro
This self-paced online facilitation training gives you a simple and effective framework for designing workshops and the best tools for each stage to guarantee your workshop success. This course is a great way to learn how to succeed in facilitation.

What is facilitation? is an experiential learning event, where you hear about key facilitation structures and methods that unlock the potential in groups. You will learn how to facilitate dialogue and how to move the group from goals to actionable outcomes.

Grape People on mukana Kauppakamarin ja Henkilöstöjohdon ryhmä – HENRY ry:n HR-päivillä Silja Symphonylla toukokuussa. Läpileikkaus ajankohtaisiin HR:n, johtamisen ja kehittämisen teemoihin. Tule päivittämään osaamistasi timanttisten asiantuntijoiden

Haastateltavana tarjouspäällikkönä NCC:llä toimiva Tero Kanervo. Tero jakaa tyypillisiä tilanteita, missä fasilitointia hyödynnetään rakennusalalla.
Tero ja Bettina keskustelevat työpajojen ajankäytöstä ja siitä, mikä fasilitoinnin arvo on todellisuudessa liiketoiminnan kannalta. Kuulet myös kuinka fasilitointi on otettu heidän organisaatiossa vastaan ja mitä haasteita Tero on kohdannut.
Missä fasilitointi asuu -videosarjassa haastatellaan työelämän tekijöitä, jotka hyödyntävät fasilitointia menestyksekkäästi työssään. Sarjassa selvitämme, minne kaikkialle toimistoihin, tiloihin ja teamseihin fasilitointi on muuttanut asumaan.